Helen Callanan

Sunbury VIC 0413 917 574
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Managing Director, Founder, Lead Educator and practicing end of life doula.

Helen is a practicing end of life doula and the founder, managing director and lead educator of Preparing the Way – End of Life Doula Training and Services. Trained in TCM and Reiki and with more than 30 years experience working with the very ill and dying, Helen has deep insight into health and healing.

The death experiences of her own parents, family, friends and many clients and her passion for education that transforms, led Helen to establishing Preparing the Way and bringing her wealth of knowledge to hundreds of doulas, clients and their families and those close to them.

Helen and all of the team at Preparing the Way hold, and are at work on, the vision of people being empowered with choice at end of life and ALL people being supported by trained end of life doulas.


Practitioner Name Helen Callanan
Business Name Preparing the Way End of Life Doula Training and Services
Website Link Visit Link Here
Facebook Page Visit Link Here
Instagram Page Visit Link Here
YouTube Channel Visit Link Here
Phone Number 0413 917 574
Email helen@preparingtheway.com.au
Are you a student doula?
Doula since 1990
Training History Developed and deliver all end of life doula training for Preparing the Way and have studied with Dr Michael Barbato, Natural Grace, Denise Love et.Al.
Pricing Information

Relevant to services chosen. Both hourly rate and package of hours available. Happy to discuss.

Services, Modalities and Skills
End of Life Doula/Consultant
Death Literacy Advocate
Documentation/Administration Support
Events & Celebrations Planning/Support
Home (after) Death Care Support
Home (DIY) Funeral Support
Legacy Projects
Medical Advocate
Pastoral Care
Ritual & Ceremony Creator/Facilitator
Secular End of Life Services
Spiritual Care/Counselling
Virtual Support (online/telephone)
Country Australia
State/Province Victoria
distance: 1,715 Kilometers
Address Sunbury VIC
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