Jancine Hurst

Caloundra QLD 0412469520
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I am a holistic end of life doula with over 30 years combined experience in child care, aged care and end of life care.

Through these compassionate and caring roles, I have come to understand that it takes courage and compassion to lean into life limiting, terminal and ageing illnesses.

My business name, Kulakaya, comes from two Sanskrit words. Kula meaning family or community, and Kaya, meaning physical body. Combined, Kulakaya translates to ‘bringing your body home”.

I provide non medical, practical, emotional, spiritual and social support, specialising in end of life planning, after death care and memorial services.

Kulakaya helps connect you with “what matters most” when facing complex end of life choices.

Services I provide include
* Comprehensive end of life planning
* Compassionate conversations
* Non medical palliative care support
* Legacies of love
* Support with dying at home, hospital or hospice
* Caring for the carer
* Family led death and after death care
* Vigil, ritual and ceremony
* Cooling plate hire
* Memorial service and celebrancy

* Jancine is an amazing Soul, empathetic and sensitive to others. She will transform a difficult time into a smooth transition with love and care. I highly recommend her – Katie

It is my life’s purpose and passion to educate, navigate and support people through life’s greatest transition. It will be an honour to walk beside you in yours.

Practitioner Name Jancine Hurst
Business Name KULAKAYA
Facebook Page Visit Link Here
Phone Number 0412469520
Email jancine@kulakaya.com.au
Are you a student doula?
Doula since 2016
Training History Preparing The Way (Helen Callanan), DeathWalker (Zenith Virago), Midwifing Death (Michael Barbato), Digging Deeper (Natural Grace), Denise Love Death Doula Training I,II,III
Standard Package Fee $70hr
Pricing Information

End of life support:
$70 hr planning / support / celebrancy
$125 hr after death care / vigil

Cooling Plate Hire
$165 per 24 hours
$125 hr Delivery / Set Up

Services, Modalities and Skills
End of Life Doula/Consultant
Art Therapy
Cooling Bed/Plate/Blanket Available or For Hire - Home Death Care
Death Literacy Advocate
Documentation/Administration Support
Events & Celebrations Planning/Support
Home (after) Death Care Support
Home (DIY) Funeral Support
Legacy Projects
Massage (including Palliative Care Massage)
Pet Death Doula
Ritual & Ceremony Creator/Facilitator
Secular End of Life Services
Shrouds / Burial Clothing
Spiritual Care/Counselling
Virtual Support (online/telephone)
Country Australia
State/Province Queensland
distance: 1,939 Kilometers
Address Caloundra QLD
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