Judy Collins

Tweed Heads NSW 0404 994 702
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I am a woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an End of Life Doula and a certified clinical musician. I know that relationships matter. I believe that with the help of others we can all learn to rise to life’s challenges. As an End-of-Life Doula I stand beside people and encourage them to live their lives their way and to recognise that everyone can live a full life right to the end. I offer end-of-life planning and support, digital storytelling, guided meditation, massage and harp therapy. I recognise death as a natural, accepted and honoured part of life. I can assist at your house, an independent living facility or hospice. I believe nobody deserves to die alone. I will strive for families and friends to be supported as their loved one dies. This creates a more meaningful funeral to honour and celebrate life and allows an easier and healthier bereavement. A ceremony created by an end of life doula will ensure that it is uniquely and authentically your own, an enriching and memorable experience for everyone.

Practitioner Name Judy Collins
Business Name cloud7care
Website Link cloud7care.com
Facebook Page Judy Collins End of Life Doula
Phone Number 0404 994 702
Email judy.collins.me@gmail.com
Are you a student doula?
Doula since 2020
Training History End of Life Doula certification with Denise Love, Palliative Care, Certified Clinical Musician, JP, PT and Yoga instructor
Standard Package Fee $70
Pricing Information

My standard hourly rate is $70.00 with discounts for all packages
Advance Health Care Directives (AHCD) planning sessions are
$250.00 for one person, 2-4 hours.
I am a registered Justice of the Peace in NSW, so I am able to witness your signatures on your AHCD.
Funeral /Death Showers $300 - two ceremonies; you plan and attend one before you die; and plan your own funeral;- 2-4 hours for this session.
Prices for End Of Life Doula services are available as packages in bundles which you may add to as required: 11 hours $700;
20 hours $1200
Packages include (but are not necessarily limited to) advance planning, accompanying you to any medical appointments, vigils, after-death body care, counselling, companioning, and advance planning as part of your package.

Services, Modalities and Skills
End of Life Doula/Consultant
Breathwork Practitioner
Cooling Bed/Plate/Blanket Available or For Hire - Home Death Care
Counselling (Bereavement/Grief/Palliative/EOL)
Death Literacy Advocate
Documentation/Administration Support
Events & Celebrations Planning/Support
Funeral Director
Home (after) Death Care Support
Home (DIY) Funeral Support
Massage (including Palliative Care Massage)
Music Therapy
Pastoral Care
Ritual & Ceremony Creator/Facilitator
Secular End of Life Services
Social Worker
Virtual Support (online/telephone)
Additional Information

I am available to assist clients between Brisbane and Northern New South Wales.

Country Australia
State/Province New South Wales
distance: 1,987 Kilometers
Address Tweed Heads NSW
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