A call to Humanity to keep an open mind for living, dying and resting well…
Myself and other End of Life Doulas want Aussies to have a more open-minded
approach to living, dying, death and body disposition.
Being aware of what is available in the community, helps people to live and prepare for death after a limited life diagnosis.
Food for thought: Spending time with loved ones before death expresses love.
As a Doula I am present & dedicated to the unique needs of my clients.
I may fill few or many roles, such as:
- Providing companionship to clients & support to families.
- Offering an open heart & mind; a shoulder to lean on.
- Offering options for living fully, dying & after death.
- Supporting clients living, dying & death choices.
Documentary makers are also encouraging conversations with bringing forth various options/services for dying, death & body disposition in various communities here in Australia and overseas.
Therefore, planning for after death is equally important. There are many, eco-friendly,
space saving, less expensive and unique ways to honour and rest loved ones in
the way of their choosing.
Food for thought: Spending lots of money, after death, to farewell someone
precious, having not spent quality time with them during their life, does not
necessarily express love.
The way I serve you:
- Having life & death conversations, bringing awareness of what is possible, to prepare your life affairs & a peaceful transition to death.
- Helping you access suitable legal & health care, social & leisure activities.
- Supporting you & yours, before, during & after death; in the setting of your choosing.
Service Areas: Logan, Scenic Rim, SE Qld, Brisbane, Gold Coast.
“Contact me today for a free consultation (maximum one-hour)“
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