Simone Green

Sydney CBD, NSW 0425 331 601
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My extensive experience as a
trained nurse and my personal experiences with death have formed me into a End
of life Doula who understands every layer of this difficult journey medical,
spiritual, emotional, and even administrative and legal.

End of life is a stage many find uncomfortable, scary or lonely, whether
experiencing it themselves or through a loved one. My purpose is to offer you a
loving, competent, knowledgeable, and comforting hand to hold. I will remain
beside you at every step, enabling you to experience the end of life you

Acting as doula to my own
loved ones gave depth and meaning to my grief and allowed me to see clearly how
important and necessary this role is for those facing the end of life. It
inspired me with the passion and purpose to become a professional end of life

In addition, I offer an
approach encompassing and respecting Jewish ritual and spiritual experience to
those who observe these traditions.

You are not alone – I am with you!

Practitioner Name Simone Green
Business Name Simone Green End of LIfe Doula
Facebook Page Visit Link Here
Phone Number 0425 331 601
Are you a student doula?
Doula since 2020
Training History Preparing the Way 4 day course
Standard Package Fee $Feeonapplication
Pricing Information

Fee on application

Services, Modalities and Skills
End of Life Doula/Consultant
Country Australia
State/Province New South Wales
distance: 1,934 Kilometers
Address Sydney CBD, NSW
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