Kim Karamanian

Canada Bay NSW 2046 0423 459 992
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Hello, my name is Kim. I am an End of Life Doula and an Art therapist/counsellor.

I offer companionship and support, advocacy, education in end of life and in grief, all empowering you to live well and as YOU choose – in life, in diagnosis, in illness, in vigil, in dying and ongoing support for family and friends.

Sharing information and exploring options alongside you, you can make informed decisions. Imagine having someone on your team that is following your lead, your curiosity, your needs, solely focused on your practical, emotional and spiritual needs, someone advocating for you.

It brings great purpose to my life in being with you and your family in these times, to bring gentleness and compassionate support to an unknown space from my  personal experience and a commitment to my own education and training. I have personal experience with death and dying, having walked alongside my mother and sister during their end of life with a range of cancer.

I can work with you, where you are. If that is in your home, hospital, palliative care, aged care, online and in consulting rooms in Canada Bay, the Lower North shore. I service Sydney and the Central Coast.

I am currently undertaking a world first government accredited cert 4 in End of Life Doula services with Preparing the way. See Training history for more.

As an Art Therapist I can also provide creative exploration around end of life and grief and provide art making for the whole family if you wished. We can create for legacy, for relief, for distraction, for meaning making. I also offer the art of swedish death cleaning for any stage of life, commonly undertaken in retirement.



Practitioner Name Kim Karamanian
Business Name Creative Beings
Website Link Visit Link Here
Instagram Page Visit Link Here
Phone Number 0423 459 992
Are you a student doula?
Doula since 2022
Training History | Preparing the Way - foundation and intensive course | Preparing the way - undertaking the certificate 4 govt accredited End of Life doula Services | Zenith Virago - Deathwalker training | Death literacy specialist - Francesca Arnoldy | Ritual healing at the death bed & practical skills - Dr Sarah Kerr | College of Complementary Medicine - Adv Dip Transpersonal Therapy (Art Therapy) | College of Complementary Medicine - Adv dip of Transpersonal therapy (Counselling)
Standard Package Fee $80hr
Pricing Information

End of life doula support session services - Weekday hours $80/hr, Weekday evening $85/hr, Weekend hours $90/hr, Weekend evening $95/hr
Included in Support Sessions
Compassionate non medical presence
Emotional and spiritual support
Grief support
Advocacy ~ supporting your preferences and advocating in healthcare decisions
Advanced Care planning
Accompanying to dr/specialist/treatment appointments
Coordinating family/friend/community care and support
Education on dying process, what to expect, empowerment to make informed decisions
Vigil and vigil planning ~ being present during final stages of life to support person and families
Grief support
Legacy creation such as facilitating conversations, letter writing, memory boxes, life review.
Ceremony and ritual
Swedish death cleaning at any stage of life, commonly in retirement
Art therapy for EOL client
Ongoing grief support for families
Grief Art therapy
Transpersonal art therapy
Transpersonal counselling
*See website for art therapy only fees.

Services, Modalities and Skills
End of Life Doula/Consultant
Art Therapy
Counselling (Bereavement/Grief/Palliative/EOL)
Death Literacy Advocate
Documentation/Administration Support
Legacy Projects
Ritual & Ceremony Creator/Facilitator
Spiritual Care/Counselling
Virtual Support (online/telephone)
Additional Information

Please contact me for End of Life Doula support, Art therapy and counselling for end of life, grief and legacy projects. I am located in Sydney's beautiful Canada Bay.

Country Australia
State/Province New South Wales
distance: 1,926 Kilometers
Address Canada Bay NSW 2046
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